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The Meg: l’auteur du roman réagit aux commentaires négatifs

Si vous avez lu le roman de Steve Alten Meg: A Novel of Deep Terror, et que vous avez visionné la première bande-annonce de l’adaptation cinématographique parue plus tôt cette semaine, vous avez probablement noté un certain changement au niveau du ton. Et vous n’êtes pas seuls…

En effet, alors que le roman proposait une histoire terrifiante, The Meg le film semble suggérer un film d’action léger et amusant, à l’image des Piranha et Deep Blue Sea. Suite aux nombreux commentaires d’internautes déçus, l’auteur du roman a publié en réponse un long message sur sa page Facebook.

Sans le traduire le message complet, Alten explique qu’il ne faut pas baser notre jugement sur quelques minutes d’une bande-annonce et que le film propose quelques scènes assez exceptionnelles. Certaines personnes reprochaient également au film que le requin n’était plus albinos, comme dans le livre. L’auteur explique que le rendu CGI d’un requin blanc était beaucoup moins crédible. Il cautionne également le choix de Jason Statham pour le premier rôle, mentionnant que l’acteur aurait même été jusqu’à plonger avec des requins pour se préparer au tournage. Il conclut finalement en disant qu’il est honoré qu’un studio ait voulu porter son oeuvre à l’écran.

Lisez son message complet:

MOVIE TRAILERS: My thoughts…

I know there are some of you who are disappointed that the movie varies from the book. I completely understand, and take it as a compliment. However, you are basing your opinion on a few minutes of trailers – and some seriously great footage. The Mariana Trench looks incredible in the International trailer. As far as the Meg being albino – they tried. Albinos in real life don’t look natural, in CGI they look fake. I applaud their decision.

When I read the scripts from Hollywood Pictures and New Line Cinema, my friend Nick Nunziata had to talk me off the ledge. There was no Mac, no recognizable scenes… hell, Shane Salerno had Tanaka as a whaler from Japan who is whaling in California… huh? He wrote Moby Dick with a shark. When New Line reverted the rights, I wrote the next script with producer Belle Avery. That is where the final movie script sprang from.

The script WB’s movie is shot from is really good. So the Tanaka family is Chinese — no problem. Heck, the Chinese production company put up $150 million, they can be from Mars for that kind of money! We call that COMMITTING TO THE PROJECT. As for Jason Statham – I LOVE THE CHOICE! Geez, the guy went shark diving to prepare for the role – you think I go shark diving before I write a MEG book? He’s a man of action, just like Jonas, and he’s clever. And Jason is INTO THE ROLE! We’re blessed to have him as JT. And the rest of the cast is incredible. I’m a big Rainn Wilson fan, Ruby, Bingbing, and Jessica are stunning, Winston Chau … perfect. Love the whole cast.

What is far more important to me than which Asian nation is represented is where the next movie goes. Because the most amazing scenes in the series come in HELL’S AQUARIUM in the Panthalassa Sea… but before we get there, there’s a cast member named Angel we need to see.. and fear.

As for accusing me of « selling out » what does that even mean? I am honored to have a studio WANT to buy my work. If selling out is defined as earning money to feed my family, then sure. None of you know how hard the last 22 years have been — the last eleven with Parkinsons. As a full-time author, I live between paychecks, and have borrowed money from my late Dad, my mom, and a close friend to keep this dream and career alive. Selling out? As opposed to taking the project to the grave with me?

MOST IMPORTANT – this is a really amazing movie…one that I believe will earn in excess of a BILLION DOLLARS and spawn some even better sequels. As always, you are invited along for the ride… what would I do without you?

So… express your opinions, but do it constructively. Remember, I was born and raised in Philly. We booed Santa Claus because he was scrawny and drunk, but we also applaud a great effort – and this movie – it will be the 2017-18 Eagles… a box office and entertaining champ.

Have faith.

–Steve Alten

Finalement, vous pouvez également voir la bande-annonce internationale plus longue, mentionnée dans le message et parue un peu plus tard cette semaine:

THE MEG - International Trailer


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